A sensitivity read can be a crucial step in your publishing journey. It aims to ensure a fair and accurate representation of marginalised communities in your manuscript. This review involves engaging individuals from the depicted communities to provide valuable feedback and identify any potential inaccuracies or stereotypes.

By involving someone who shares the same background or identity as the characters or cultures being portrayed, you, as the author, can gain insights that help avoid unintended harmful portrayals. With their personal experiences, these readers have a distinct understanding of their community and can recognise any inaccuracies or stereotypes. They can both identify potential flaws and propose necessary modifications.

Sensitivity Reading

Sensitivity Readers can be used to analyse various aspects such as race/ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and the culture of specific groups (Military, Swifties, etc.)

For example, if a novel includes a Lesbian Indigenous character, it is crucial to have a Lesbian Indigenous person review your work to ensure authenticity and respect. Sensitivity readings play a vital role in promoting inclusivity and preventing harm.

Our Sensitivity Readers carefully examine various aspects that could potentially raise concerns. One primary focus is on language choices, such as offensive language or slurs. They closely examine stereotypes to ensure that characters are not portrayed in a stereotypical or harmful manner. Additionally, they closely examine descriptions of characters, including their physical appearance and personality traits, to ensure they are authentic and respectful. Representations of settings, traditions, and beliefs are checked for accuracy and cultural sensitivity. Furthermore, the dialogue is examined to ensure it is realistic and appropriate for the characters and the context. Lastly, we evaluate the overall plot and story arcs to maintain consistency and authenticity.

What do our Sensitivity Readers do?

What is Included?

  • providing marginal comments

  • offering suggestions

  • reading letter

* For bookings, please contact us with your preferred editing timeline or any other inquiries.


USD 0.0072 PW

*Our prices are excl. a 10% tax and is not included in the displayed prices. The prices indicated are PER WORD. To book any of our services, a 25% nonrefundable deposit is required at the time of booking and an additional 25% when we are halfway through your manuscript (you will receive a midpoint overview). If you have any questions about payment methods or payment plans, please visit our FAQ section for more information. Additionally, please note that the approximate turnaround times for our editing services vary depending on the book's word count. Generally, a 50,000-word book will be edited sooner than a 120,000-word book. We will discuss and agree upon the total number of weeks needed to edit your book before starting the process, allowing you to make an informed decision.

This information is crucial for understanding the prices offered. It is important to note that all of our prices are stated in Australian dollars (AUD). The other currencies provided are for informational purposes only and should be considered as approximate values. The final price displayed on your quote may vary due to the constantly fluctuating exchange rates between your currency and the Australian dollar. However, once you receive a quote, the price will remain the same from that point onwards.

Sensitivity Reading $0.011 PW - Turnaround Time: from 4 weeks

GBP 0.0057 PW

EUR 0.0067 PW

CAD 0.010 PW

INR 0.60 PW

*Please be aware that our team of editors and proofreaders consists of human beings, which means that there is a possibility of overlooking mistakes, typos, or any other errors during the editing process. Despite our utmost efforts to eliminate any issues, we cannot guarantee that your book will be completely error-free. We assure you that we will always strive to provide the highest quality editing services, but there is a small chance that some errors might be missed.