Like a Manuscript Critique, an Editorial Critique can be incredibly valuable for writers seeking an overall evaluation of their work. It offers feedback on the manuscript's strengths and highlights areas that require improvement, but there are differences between the two Critiques.

An Editorial Critique thoroughly reviews a manuscript to help make it more appealing within its genre. It serves as a detailed guide to improve the story and catch readers' attention. The main goal is to elevate the narrative to meet genre standards and engage the audience effectively. This critique includes identifying the right genre, ensuring it follows genre rules, offering advice on how to structure the story well, providing resources for creating similar stories, maintaining a clear narrative voice, developing a strong plot, keeping readers interested, pointing out any plot issues or inconsistencies, checking for grammar mistakes and word choices. We will flag any easily resolved conscious language issues; however, we may recommend Sensitivity Reading or rewrites if there are recurring concerns in the manuscript.

Please be aware that an Editorial Critique doesn't involve extensive editing and revision like developmental editing, it provides guidance and suggestions to enhance the quality of the writing as a whole.

Editorial Critique

What is Included?

  • detailed evaluation letter with feedback

  • guidance

  • examples and outlines for editorial needs

* For bookings, please contact us with your preferred editing timeline or any other inquiries.


USD 0.016 PW

*Our prices are excl. a 10% tax and is not included in the displayed prices. The prices indicated are PER WORD. To book any of our services, a 25% nonrefundable deposit is required at the time of booking and an additional 25% when we are halfway through your manuscript (you will receive a midpoint overview). If you have any questions about payment methods or payment plans, please visit our FAQ section for more information. Additionally, please note that the approximate turnaround times for our editing services vary depending on the book's word count. Generally, a 50,000-word book will be edited sooner than a 120,000-word book. We will discuss and agree upon the total number of weeks needed to edit your book before starting the process, allowing you to make an informed decision.

This information is crucial for understanding the prices offered. It is important to note that all of our prices are stated in Australian dollars (AUD). The other currencies provided are for informational purposes only and should be considered as approximate values. The final price displayed on your quote may vary due to the constantly fluctuating exchange rates between your currency and the Australian dollar. However, once you receive a quote, the price will remain the same from that point onwards.

Editorial Critique $0.025 PW - Turnaround Time: from 6 weeks

GBP 0.013 PW

EUR 0.015 PW

CAD 0.022 PW

INR 1.36 PW

*Please be aware that our team of editors and proofreaders consists of human beings, which means that there is a possibility of overlooking mistakes, typos, or any other errors during the editing process. Despite our utmost efforts to eliminate any issues, we cannot guarantee that your book will be completely error-free. We assure you that we will always strive to provide the highest quality editing services, but there is a small chance that some errors might be missed.