
An Alpha-Reader serves as the initial reader of your book, taking on the task of reading your draft well in advance of its completion. You have the flexibility to choose whether we read your draft immediately after you finish writing or at a later stage (after you have made significant changes when you self-edit). As Alpha-Readers, our main objective is to evaluate the overall structure of your book and ensure its cohesiveness. Unlike Developmental Editing, this process is not as rigorous, and many authors may opt not to utilise Alpha-Readers. You may put considerable effort into a particular section, only to have it discarded during the later stages of the editing process.

When it comes to the Beta-Reading process, it is important to note that your manuscript should be close to completion. Ideally, you should have already completed the self-editing phase before considering Beta-Readers. While it is recommended to bring in Beta-Readers after the Line Editing stage, you have the freedom to choose whether to include them immediately after developmental editing. However, it is important not to wait until after Copy Editing, as the feedback from your Beta-readers may highlight areas of your book that need improvement. If you agree with their suggestions, this could result in additional expenses as you will have to send the rewritten sections back to both the Line Editor and the Copy Editor.


man wearing white sweater while reading book
man wearing white sweater while reading book

Our Alpha & Beta Reading Services offer a personalised approach to meet your specific requirements. You have the flexibility to choose the number of Alpha/ Beta Readers you want to review your story (We recommend only using three or four readers). Upon completion, our Readers will provide you with a comprehensive report featuring an analysis of your book, encompassing details such as your Characters, Story Plot, and World Building. This feedback will enable you to gain a deeper understanding of the strengths and areas for improvement in your writing, empowering you to refine your storytelling skills. With our tailored services, you can confidently take the next steps in honing your craft and creating a captivating literary masterpiece.

Our ALPHA & BETA Reader Services and Prices

Please contact us with questions about any of our Reading services.

Why would I pay for ALPHA & BETA Readers?

Why should you pay for ALPHA & BETA readers when you can find them online for free? This is a valid question. Sometimes, authors confuse ALPHA & BETA readers with ARC readers and end up with an overwhelming number of them. However, having thirty opinions can be confusing for both the writer and the process itself. Each person has their own personality and unique taste, making it difficult to discern which feedback to prioritize. The purpose of having Beta readers should be to identify the areas of your story that require more attention and those that are already strong. ALPHA & BETA Readers are invaluable during the revision stages, especially for writers on a tight budget. These readers can assist you in rewriting and polishing your story, ultimately improving its overall quality.

When searching for feedback on your manuscript, it is important to ensure that you receive the best possible input. While ALPHA & BETA readers may assist in refining your work, it is essential to understand that they are not editors. Their feedback is often influenced by personal opinions, whereas you need readers who can provide a neutral perspective on your manuscript. While every reader will have their own preferences, it is crucial to understand what needs improvement in your story. It is easy to find numerous readers who will freely praise your work, but without specific feedback, it is difficult to grasp what exactly made your story great. Similarly, negative feedback without explanations does not provide insights into areas that may require improvement. Therefore, it is essential to find readers who can provide constructive criticism to help you enhance your manuscript.

Most of the time, the feedback you receive on your book is insufficient to identify the specific issues. That's why we offer the services of our ALPHA & BETA Readers. These dedicated individuals will meticulously go through your book, analysing every aspect. From character development to world-building, plot holes to storylines, our readers will examine it all. After careful consideration, they will provide you with a comprehensive report detailing their thoughts on your book and the reasons behind them. They will highlight areas that require more attention and express their adoration for the elements they love. We understand that this process takes time and effort, which is why we firmly believe that our readers deserve a small compensation for their valuable services, even if their primary motivation is to support you as a writer.


USD 23.00 PR

This information is crucial for understanding the prices offered. It is important to note that all of our prices are stated in Australian dollars (AUD). The other currencies provided are for informational purposes only and should be considered as approximate values. The final price displayed on your quote may vary due to the constantly fluctuating exchange rates between your currency and the Australian dollar.

ALPHA/BETA Readers $35 PR - Turnaround Time: from 3 weeks

GBP 18.35 PR

EUR 21.45 PR

CAD 31.44 PR

INR 1918.83 PR


*Our prices are excl. a 10% tax and is not included in the displayed prices. To book any of our Reading services, full payment is required at the time of booking. If you have any questions about payment methods or payment plans, please visit our FAQ section for more information. Additionally, please note that the approximate turnaround times for our reading services vary depending on the book's word count. Generally, a 50,000-word book will be read sooner than a 120,000-word book. We will discuss and agree upon the total number of weeks needed to read your book before starting the process, allowing you to make an informed decision.