Meet Joni


I'm Joni, and I'm absolutely terrible at writing about myself, but here we go. I'm married to the love of my life and a mother to 3 wonderful children. My oldest son is 16, my daughter is 11, and my youngest son is 5. A lot of my life revolves around being their mother and I wouldn't trade it for anything. My family also has 2 dogs, a cat, and 2 fish. Yes, our house is quite full, but it's full of love.

When I'm not busy with my family or the house upkeep, I can often be absorbed in a book. I love all methods of reading. One of my favorites is to listen to an audiobook while playing a video game or coloring.

I've had a love for reading my whole life, but it really picked up when my 16-year-old was battling cancer. There were a lot of times that I just couldn't sleep or when he was in procedure and I just needed a distraction. Books then became my saving grace and I haven't slowed down much since.

After my son accomplished remission, I wanted to share my love for what I read with others and that's when I started up my Instagram account. I never imagined it would turn into the community and resource that it turned into for me. I have mostly read titles by indie authors since creating my Instagram page and I love utilizing my page to platform the books I read. Instagram connected me with SafeHaven Publishing, and I'm so excited about my future with the company.

Sensitivity Reader

We offer sensitivity readings that provide in-depth analysis and insightful feedback. Our priority is to promote awareness and understanding by ensuring that we handle language and representation with sensitivity and cultural competence.

Joni specializes in providing thorough and insightful sensitivity readings, and conscious language about the following subjects:

complex mental health disorders
