Meet Elizabeth

Hi, I'm Liz or Lizzie.

I live in the United States in Florida with my husband and 2 dogs and 3 cat babies. I taught for about 5 years before my disabilities took over and I had to leave.

Reading is an escape for me when I'm sitting on my couch in too much pain to move. It was a dream of mine to write a children's book and I accomplished this in March 2024.

Indie writers always have such fresh ideas and new takes on things that even popular writers don't have. I want to help other writers who have the same dream as me but have no idea where to start.

I can't wait to help you unleash your potential and watch your writing go from computer to paper.

Chronic pain




Going through the IUI and IVF process


Sensitivity reader

We offer sensitivity readings that provide in-depth analysis and insightful feedback. Our priority is to promote awareness and understanding by ensuring that we handle language and representation with sensitivity and cultural competence.

Elizabeth specializes in providing thorough and insightful sensitivity readings, and conscious language about the following subjects:

Being in a car crash and the effects afterwards

Back pain

Nerve pain

Back surgery - screws, rods, cage

Dealing with the pain after the surgery. Not a failed surgery, but all the crap that comes afterwards

Dealing with male doctors who don't believe me when I say I'm in pain- they think I just want pills, attention, they don't listen, etc.

Losing friends over them not believing in me with my chronic pain, had to cancel a lot- same with some family members "You could have it worse"

Schooling- having to change careers

Teacher things like dealing with parents, administration not helping

Dealing with issues that old people do and having to explain that to people and watching their faces as they don't believe me

Bullying, my best friend mentally bullied me for years

Autoimmune issues- I have mixed connective tissue disease, but can read about others since many fall under the same 'umbrella'

Stomach issues- IBS, really bad heartburn, GERD

Gastropersis (slow stomach)

Asthma, Eosinophilic asthma- have to stay on my inhaler for the rest of my life

Anxiety from asthma, panic attacks

Covid long hauler, trauma.. Covid affected me mentally in ways I never had trouble with before

Family member to someone with depression, and bipolar, watched as he had a couple of mental breaks, he went into a mental hospital and everything that followed. Watching him become a zombie of himself

Family member to substance abuse - both pills and alcohol

Cancer in the family, family member passed from it